Continuing Research

To advance the mental health and well-being of youth athletes, our research department is dedicated to discovering evidence-based strategies and interventions. Through rigorous inquiry and collaboration, we strive to identify and address the unique mental challenges faced by young athletes, aiming to prevent college and young athlete suicides by promoting resilience, mental health awareness, and support systems within athletic communities.

Interviews with Youth Athletes:

  • Conduct in-depth, one-on-one interviews with athletes of different ages, sports, and competitive levels to get first-hand accounts of the mental health challenges they face.

  • Explore topics like stress management, performance anxiety, body image concerns, transitions in and out of sport, relationships with coaches/teammates, and access to support services.

  • Utilize open-ended questions to allow athletes to share their unique perspectives and stories.

Youth Athlete Surveys and Focus Groups:

  • Design surveys to gather quantitative data on the prevalence of mental health issues, coping strategies, and perceived barriers to seeking help.

  • Organize focus group discussions to dive deeper into specific themes that emerge from the survey data.

  • Ensure diverse representation from male and female athletes, as well as different racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Data Analysis:

  • Collect and analyze existing data on mental health outcomes, suicide rates, and service utilization among young athletes.

  • Look for trends and correlations between athletic participation, mental health indicators, and demographic factors.

  • Use statistical modeling to identify risk and protective factors that can inform targeted intervention strategies.

Consultation with Professionals:

  • Engage with sports psychologists, clinical counselors, athletic trainers, and coaches to gain their expert insights on the unique mental health needs of young athletes.

  • Understand the current challenges they face in supporting athlete well-being and identify best practices for improving access to care.

  • Collaborate on the development and evaluation of new mental health programs and resources.

By combining these qualitative and quantitative research methods, the goal is to build a comprehensive understanding of the mental health landscape for youth athletes. This evidence-based approach can then inform the creation of impactful, tailored interventions to promote resilience, mental wellness, and positive outcomes within this population.